This SUP leash is the perfect all rounder and has the Ocean & Earth guarantee of high product quality.
Available in various sizes.
- ONE PIECE EXTRUDED CORD – From swivel to swivel – just one cord… one component. Eliminates the need for end joins, which are the weakest points in conventional leashes, meaning no weak points.
- DUAL ANCHOR SWIVELS – Marine grade, stainless anti-corrosive free-spin swivels for tangle-free surfing.
- ORIGINAL DETACHABLE RAILSAVER – The original railsaver system designed by O&E, with sewn in anchor cord. Protects rails and is easily detached.
- NEW FORMULA CONTROLLED-STRETCH URETHANE – The larger the wave, the more stretch which keeps your board at a safe distance away. Premium grade quality urethane developed by the world’s leading manufacturer.
- FLEX NECK STRAP PLUG – Allows 360º movement of leash and offers more comfort when leash is under load.
- SAFETY RELEASE PULL TAB – Easy to see ‘Safety Red’ quick release pull tab. Essential when surfing big waves and reefs.
- EASY-WRAP NEOPRENE STRAP INNER – Vertically moulded neoprene panels easily wrap around your ankle, adding to comfort.
- PLUG BUDDY – Another O&E first. Ensures leash string can be easily slipped through surfboard plug.
- WARRANTY – Guaranteed against faulty workmanship or defective materials for 12 months from date of purchase.